Thursday, September 19, 2013

Final New York Post!

Hello!  Hope everyone's week is going great!  I'm just getting back into the routine of work and seemed to have caught some food poisoning.  I'm thinking I know exactly what it's from, this food truck I had on Sunday right before we headed for the airport.  I felt pretty shady the rest of the day and have been continuing to feel very under the weather.  I can't seem to keep much down, even liquids are giving me grief.


I was quite happy to see this Barbie house

Hearst Tower, Midtown Manhattan
Cathedral of Saint John the Divine

Largest Cathedral in the world, & 4th largest Christian Church in the world. 

Street work advertisement. YMCMB 

Beautiful Brooklyn Bridge

Statue of Liberty!

Our last night in NYC.

Met Batman! (:

Sailboat we saw on the ferry to Statue of Liberty!

Uptown Swirl Froyo! (:  Only place in NYC with Biscoff
flavored froyo. Biscoff is the Delta Airlines
cookie that they offer (its kinda like a graham cracker)

Oh! && we got on Good Morning America! How cool is that?! Sesame Street was actually on the show that day (Friday, September 13th).  It was awesome to see them in real life with their puppet masters.  I thought it would ruin the magic of the show being able to see the masters, but it didn't really! It was still neat to see.  My grandma absolutely loves GMA and she was so happy to see me on there (she called me twice!).
Crowd shot!

Hello America! 
These guys were wonderful.  They were stunt/break dancers.
They put me into their show, and jumped over me and three
others.  I'll see if I can get the video in here!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New York Pt 2

Thursday September 12th:  We arrived in New York and to our hotel around 11:30, and it was wonderful.  We stayed at the Hotel Edison and the next time I go to New York I will still choose to stay there.  Some cool background information on the hotel:  It is a historic building (they are renovating it currently) it was built in 1931. Thomas Edison himself turned on the lights when it opened.  We had a very early flight---that was also delayed a bit, so we were quite exhausted.  Our adrenaline ended up keeping us going.  We walked to Central Park which was not far from where we were staying.

Unfortunately, after this ride we became completely soaked in a down pour.  As much as I didn't like getting soaked it was an exciting experience to walk in the park and see some amazing sights.  I mean how can I complain about the rain with this insight:

We rode the carousel in Central Park!

YAY! Felt like a kid again.

Baseball game in Central Park
Taking a stroll in the park!
Everything was so green and beautiful
Still looked cool, even with gloomy clouds
After taking shelter under some trees and then running a ways to a tunnel, we were out of the rain.  After awhile the rain subsided and we ventured back out towards our hotel to dry off.  We stopped at a food truck on the outskirts of the park.  We each got a hot dog, that was a cheap price of $2.  Unfortunately, Jenny found something hard near the end of her hot dog and it kind of ruined the whole hot dog cart experience.  Jenny never got a hot dog again (I did, on the statue of liberty ferry).

We took tours on double decker busses on Friday and on Saturday.  One tour brought us through upper manhattan and the second brought us through lower manhattan.  Our third tour we took was the Brooklyn tour, these tours you could hop off and hop back on at another stop.  It was a great way for easy transportation and I enjoyed learning the historical aspects of NYC.  ($59 for a 48 hour pass that took us everywhere we wanted to go!).  The other tour we took was the night tour, it took us all around downtown manhattan and through Brooklyn.  This night one was not a hop on hop off tour, and it was two hours long(More about this later!).

Here are just some random pics from various days of the gorgeous city that never sleeps!

Night Tour: Friday September 13th, 2013
Before the tour, when we weren't FREEZING.

Being silly, because I can

Disney! So bright and cute


Pretty Skyline

Flushed, wind burned, and freezing.
It turned out to be windy, and probably low 50's
Two Hours on a freezing double decker bus with amazing views?  I'll take it.

Various pictures from our day trips and outings:

Biggest H&M I've ever seen

VS <3

The United States Postal Office---its not filled with a lot because of the lack
of snail mail sent throughout the US today.
Penn Station 
High Rise.
Ready for our day tour!
Loved this view

Manhattan Bridge

This is the building Spiderman climbed up
 Brooklyn Bridge

 Near The Hard Rock Cafe

The thing about New York is the city really does not sleep.  It sucked us in very quickly and welcomed us wonderfully.  We had late nights every night without even realizing.  We accomplished so much and we're so fortunate to do what we did.  We planned so many things to do but didn't get all done because of time constraints.  Turns out, it takes a lot longer to walk 12 blocks than we had originally thought.  Who woulda thought?! haha! Or that taking the tour double decker bus, takes a lot longer than taking the easy subway!
Single Ride Metro Card: $2.75 one way

Busy subway during the afternoon

That's all for now folks! I'm in the process of putting together one more post about our exciting events that occurred.  Pictures to come: Grand Central Station, Statue of Liberty, our GMA appearance, and some awesome people and things we met and saw.