Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sculptable Frosting [Recipe + Review]

Good Morning!

I hope your weekend was fantastic.  These past two weeks have been pretty low key and boring for me.  I have been battling a bad case of Acute Mononucleosis (short form: mono).  It really kicked my butt.  I've been so stir crazy I decided to sit in the kitchen last night and practice for my halloween cupcakes I'm making soon.  I found a recipe on pinterest quite awhile ago, and I am glad that I pinned it.
You can find the original post here:

Now, I usually don't have good luck with these type of recipes.  This one was awesome!  I actually halved it because I wasn't actually making any cupcakes to go with it or anything, I just wanted to practice.

This was a delicious frosting recipe!  If you are making it colored (which I did), just add a few drops and kneed the color into the frosting. For the halloween spirit, I dyed mine orange and will be doing an orange and purple batch when I actually make them for the cupcakes. 

After I kneaded the frosting with the orange dye

You can see the softness and consistency here

After you have your desired color, you can start designing and having fun! I used a rolling pin, a butter knife and cookie cutters.  I also have this sparkle gel by Wilton and I drew on them to make various things.  
I made them quite thick. Next time
when they are on the cupcakes they will be thinner.

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